Don't let your PAST EXPERIENCES, feelings, things, etc... cause you to lust to go back to Eygpt (a type of the world)
Run away from everyone & everything not of God.
Worship Him for who He is!
God's goodness leds to repentance.
We have no business having a relationship with sin, only unbroken fellowship with God, through Jesus.
Don't be a slave to anyone or anything.
We have eternal life NOW, live it, think it, walk in it, share it, & proclaim it.
Anything we do that is birthed out of the flesh, Satan has legal access to that area. But when we place our faith in what Jesus did at the cross, that gives the latitude to the Holy Spirit to work in your life.
Fear is bondage!
Base your faith on the word, not on your experiences.
Set your affections on things above, not on things of this world. For things here are temporal.
Love one another.
Reach out to those around you in need. Don't be selfish. He has helped you, why would you not help others.
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