The bible says a lot about works, but as Eph 2:8-9 says we are not saved by works. So how should we look at works. Works is a natural outflow of a person who has been saved & sanctified. When we place our faith in what Jesus did at the cross, we naturally receive the help of the Holy Spirit to produce good works.
He is conforming us into the image of Christ. He went around doing good. Most of us trust in self to produce our works. Even the world looks inward to produce good works. Positive thinking, being around positive people, reading positive things , that is what the worked thinks will produce good things in them. If we place our faith in what Jesus did at the cross we will produce good works unto all men. We will have right motives and we will not look to self.
Why do we want to do good works? Most of the time it is for selfish reasons. We usually want something. There is not good motives behind what we do. God does look at our heart and our motive behind what we do.
No matter what type of person you try to be you can’t do it with self. You must totally rely on God. Looking unto Jesus the author & finisher of our Faith. Let the work of the Holy Spirit change you in the person God wants you to be. Let Him produce in you the good works that God wants you to do. Then those works will be profitable unto all men.
Some scriptures about works:
Do as unto the Lord.
… you have done it unto the least of them, you did it unto me.(Matt. 25:34,40 NASB)
Commit your works unto the Lord, & your thoughts will be established. Prov. 16:3
Even a child is known by his doings, whether his works be pure & whether it be right. Prov. 20:11
In every work… with all his heart.. He prospered. II Chr 31:20-21
(work)… Faithfully II Chr. 34:2
With a pure heart, with all your heart, not to be seen, works will be tried by fire, unto the Lord, Faithfully, RIght works.
Pattern of good works. Titus 2:6
Zealous for good works. Titus 2:14
Heb 10:24; 6:10 - 2 Thess. 3:6-13; Luke 23:41; John 3:19; Rom. 3:20; Col. 3:9; James 1:25; 1 Jn. 3:18; Prov. 16:3; 20:11; 31:31; Jer. 48:7
DON’T BE: (THE OLD MAN) sluggish, lazy, weary, evil doer, wicked, trust not works, do to be seen, or noticed, don’t give great occasion to the enemies by your works.
DO BE: (THE NEW MAN) be zealous, put off old man, do in the name of Jesus, be a doer of the word, careful to maintain good works, be ready to do good works, stir up good works, faithful unto good works, commit your works to God, pure & right, Do not lose heart in doing good, do good unto all me, no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, working with your hands the good things, mind your own business, apply yourselves to good works.
We are to be like Jesus. Titus 2:14 says Jesus gave himself for us that He might redeem us for all iniquity AND purify unto himself a peculiar people ZEALOUS OF GOD UNTO GOOD WORKS. (amp) people who are eager & enthusiastic about living a life that is good & filled with beneficial deeds. 3:1…prepared & willing to do any upright & honorable work. Vs 8 …may be careful to apply themselves to honorable occupations & to doing good, for such things are [not only] excellent & right [in themselves], but are good & profitable FOR THE PEOPLE.
Long story short, we are to do good works. We can only do proper and good works as we place our faith in what Jesus did at the Cross and that guarantees us the help of the Holy Spirit to produce proper works. Don’t depend on yourself. Don’t try & try & try and produce things that are not profitable unto all men.
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