Without Him you can do nothing!
Abide in HIm!
IN HIM is all fullness of joy!
Who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places IN CHRIST!
He has chosen us IN HIM!
He has made us accepted IN THE BELOVED!
IN WHOM we have redemption!
IN WHOM we have obtained an inheritance!
IN WHOM you were sealed!
IN CHRIST JESUS who has made us to sit in heavenly places!
THROUGH HIM we have access to the Father!
We are partakers of His promise IN CHRIST!
IN WHOM we have boldness! (and access to the Throne)
CHRIST IN you the hope of glory!
IN WHOM are hid all treasures of wisdom & knowledge!
Without HIM you are nothing. Do you really think that you can cause your own eternal life? Do you think so highly of yourself that in this life you can save yourself or that by your own works you can do anything eternal? We think so highly of ourselves we really miss what God wants to do in us and for us. He has eternal life. He knows all things. He has a plan and purpose for us. All things work out according to His plan if we would only look to Him. When we are IN HIM and ABIDE IN HIM we can do all things and all things we do will glorify God. We can be at peace and truly rest IN HIM. So often we just go through our day as it comes with no direction or forethought. We must pray and ask God to led us and guide us.
Only when we abide in Him daily can we be over comers.
Why are we here? For what purpose is our life? SELF? OTHERS? WORK? He wants so much to have fellowship with us that He sent His only Son to die, so we can be one with Him. He wants to walk and talk with us. He calls unto us to be with come, “Come unto ME”. “Walk with ME”. Soon we will spend all eternity with Him, why would we go day by day and not spend time with Him. He loves us and has provided to us HIMSELF!!
So don’t just go through your day as if there is no reason you are here. Don’t just bypass all that God has for you IN HIM. Daily seek, search, abide, look to, be in, knock, move in, pray to, be with, HIM!!!!
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